


Bright Ideas {Playing Around with Perimeter}

Hey y'all, I am super excited to be joining a bunch of awesome bloggers in the Bright Ideas Blog Hop!  I thought I'd share with you (mostly through pictures) a few fun activities we've done lately to explore the concept of perimeter.

Last year was our first year with Common Core and regrettably, I didn't do as great of a job teaching 3.MD.8 in a conceptual way as I could have.  But with some ideas from a talented teammate and some of my own creativity, we are now masters of perimeter!  We started by exploring with pattern blocks and creating ponds.

Then we had fun incorporating literacy into our math learning.  This super cute book (with a real world application) by Marilyn Burns is all about preparing for a family get together.  Mrs. Comfort plans to have 8 tables of 4 so that there is enough seating for the anticipated 32 guests but as people arrive, they begin to rearrange the tables.  Unfortunately, then there isn't enough seating for everyone.  So after lots of moving the tables around, they must end up in the original arrangement to be able to accommodate everyone.
So of course we had to honor the "Doctor" in some way and my kiddos had a blast creating these cool cats! I love how cute they turned out and it was a fun way to practice perimeter.
Finally, we've started to compare figures with the same perimeter but different area.  We read another great book called Chickens on the Move and students modeled the coops with paperclips.

Ready for another amazing idea?  Check out the fabulous Hilary over at Rockin' Teacher Materials!  She's sharing her awesome book bin organization system!  
Looking for more bright ideas?
Check out K-2 Bright Ideas:
Check out 3-5 Bright Ideas:


  1. I also love how you tied these concepts to books! The Cat in the Hat hats are too cute!
    A Tall Drink of Water

    1. Thanks Rachel! I was excited about how cute they turned out. Sometimes I have what I think is a great idea in my head and then it doesn't quite turn out the same...luckily these did! =)

  2. Nice!! And we're doing perimeter right now too! I'm going to have to see if we have those books in our library - I love the paper clip idea!!



    1. Hi Lynn, my kids definitely enjoyed using the paper clips. I don't know if you are allowed to use You Tube at your school but you can find someone reading both of these books on You Tube. Let me know how it goes if you try it!

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